Author: s.nelson


On Sunday we had BOAT LOADS of fun on our annual canoe trip to Pillsbury Crossing. The general consensus was that we needed to stay longer. Thanks to Dan Swenson and Rob McGaughey for … read more.

Who’s Who at UU?

On Sunday we had loads of fun helping the teens begin their project, “Who’s Who at UU?”  And we celebrated National Ice Cream Day!!!

Please … read more.

Bubbling over!

This Sunday Ellie Sayre demonstrated lots of different pH concentrations using items found in our kitchens and the kids ultimately got to make erupting solutions. Who doesn’t love a volcano?

Mixing ingredients

One more … read more.

Manney Homestead Tour

We toured the homestead of Tom and Monta Manney. While there we checked on the observation beehive (and tasted the hive’s honey), visited with chickens, saw some amazing orchids in the green house, viewed … read more.

International Year of Light

Kristan and Brian introduced us to The International Year of Light. Awesome!!! Everyone got to make their own little light. We saw rainbows and the polarization of light waves. It was a fantastic hands-on day … read more.

Istanbul, Turkey

Lily took us to Istanbul today. The only city in the world that sits on two different continents. We saw mosques, the Bosphorus Strait, and tasted goat cheese. At a traditional Turkish wedding the … read more.


G’day Mates!

Brice and Shirley Hobrock took everyone to Australia today.  Students were introduced to kangaroos, koalas, and an Aborigine friend. They got to sample … read more.

Sea Slugs

And we’re off. Our World Travelers packed their suitcases with a variety of essentials (they created a very thorough list) including: video games, a book, passport, clothes, snacks, sunscreen, floppy hat, and more.

… read more.

Summer 2015

We’ve officially begun our Summer RE programming!

What better way to start the summer than with a campfire, roasting marshmallows, and making S’mores.

All summer long our students will have new adventures as “World Travelers”.

Destinations include: Australia (with a stop at Easter Island and maybe a dip … read more.