Author: s.nelson

Clorophyll, Leaves, and Silk Moth Caterpillars

Katie Kingery-Page shared all kinds of information about leaves and chlorophyll and then she led us outside on a search for leaves that were chock full of the stuff. The search took some of us into the trees! After collecting some excellent specimens, everyone created … read more.

Other pollinators

We’ve been learning a lot about bees, but this Sunday Dick Beeman shared information about other pollinators with us.  He told us about Brazilian stingless bees and we even got to taste their honey. It was very different than the honey we are used to … read more.

Brazil – World Cup Fever

Today we got ready for the World Cup by brushing up on info about Brazil.  We borrowed Ken’s “bingo” idea and played Brazil Bingo. What fun! We finished up with a little bit of indoor soccer and a bite of mango. A few brave souls … read more.

Bees 101

Tom and Monta Manney generously built us an observation bee hive and shared it today.  We were positively mesmerized!  We hope to have lots more bee adventures throughout the summer. Come to the Alsop room and see if you can find the queen. (And thanks … read more.

UU Travelers – Laos

Tour guide Ken Embers took us on a fantastic trip to Laos today. We played Laos Bingo and learned all kinds of fun things. The kids were reminded of our service project to collect G and PG DVDs to send to Vietnam so that Vietnamese … read more.

Bon Voyage

Today we set sail for summer fun with the annual Bon Voyage Party and Potluck Picnic.  Everyone joined in the fun by starting at the medicine wheel and walking the new pattern – Thanks Pat! Then we enjoyed food, fun, and fellowship.  Even the adults … read more.

Outside fun

The weather was too nice to stay inside so we all ventured outside and up the hill. Alas, the fairy church is no more. Molly had us all searching for flowers that could be pressed and turned into book marks. (I’ve seen the results and … read more.

Family Fun – garden

A little rain didn’t dampen our Family Fun event – planting a garden in the raised beds. A handful of folks turned out to plant beans, peas, flowers, clover, tomatoes, and more.  We can’t wait to see what comes up! Click on a picture to … read more.

Helping Others

We learned a little about helping others during the story for all ages and then moved to our classes and began creating note cards to help raise money for All’s Fair Kansas.  The popular note cards will be available at the Farmer’s Market when UU … read more.