Author: s.nelson

Our Year

On Sunday we were all front and center. We shared a tiny bit about our lessons on World Religions from the year. Everyone got to read part of the story – great job!  We also shared our 7 principles song and our favorite hymns. We … read more.

Busy April

April was a pretty busy month.

We started with a fun Parent’s Night Out (we all made fun table decorations for the Easter potluck) and had a great time marching in the Pride Parade.

On Sundays the K-2 and 7-9 classes joined together for lessons on the … read more.


Spring has sprung and we’re already looking forward to summer!

We start the month of May with lots of sharing…

On May 4 all classes share a little about what they’ve learned in their school-year lessons about World Religions and even share a special hands-on project for … read more.

Beacons of our faith

Thanks to everyone for the great turnout at the Little Apple Pride Parade. We were colorful beacons of our faith!

World Religions classes are still going well. On Sunday discussions focused on…  Grades 7-9: Christianity (Good Friday and Palm Sunday in preparation for Easter), Grades … read more.

A lot of green…

Everyone is still enjoying the World Religions curriculum. Last Sunday individual classes, in different ways, touched on Catholicism, Buddhism, and Christianity while the pre-K kids wondered about the moon and the nursery group sang songs, read stories, and built with blocks.

Today more than 20 of … read more.

Inquiring Minds…

The 7-9 class listened to an “Inquiring Minds” podcast about “why there are atheists” – the neuroscience/psychology behind what makes people religious or non-religious. Discussion followed and some of it even came home!  Coming up: a section on Christianity with Larry Weaver.

The 3-6 grade students … read more.

Moving canned goods…

The Kids did a great job today moving all the canned goods that were collected for the Flint Hills Breadbasket.  There are even more kids around the corner and down the hallway. That’s one long line of kids getting the food from point A to … read more.

Cooperation, Celebration, Compassion, and Judaism

What a busy January we had! The Family Fun Taco dinner was delicious! Thanks to all the kids for making those lovely tissue paper flowers for table decorations!

The Nursery kept busy by reading stories, singing, dancing, and using blocks to learn about sharing and cooperation.

The … read more.

Puppets, Snow, and Christmas fun

December was filled with preparations for the Christmas Eve service. What creative minds our children have! They came up with fabulous ideas for the script, wonderful puppet characters, and beautiful scenery. Thanks to everyone!

We also snuck in some sledding! Always good to take a break … read more.

Islam, Buddhism, and Thanksgiving

On the 17th…

The Nursery kids were plentiful! They read stories, played with toys and played with friends.

Pre-K kids added their own own puzzle pieces to the big jigsaw puzzle. Each puzzle piece has a drawing of a family and all the families make up the … read more.