Author: s.nelson

UU Travelers… Musicale!

On Sunday we all thoroughly enjoyed Musicale XII! What a talented bunch of folks we have. It’s wonderful to see our youth participate in this annual event as well.



The Wednesday and Thursday before we practically melted in the heat of Purple Power Play, … read more.

UU Travelers… Art Tour

On Sunday our kids started the morning by telling us things that they find awesome…  Books! School! The Sky! The Clouds! Sunsets! Cats! Dogs! Animals! New Shoes! Pink! Nature! The Community! WOW! I think all our kids are AWESOME!

Then, Dick Beeman led us on a … read more.

UU Travelers… Tour of California

On Sunday Scott Tanona led us on a tour of California. We saw huge redwood trees (12 of us linked hands and could barely reach around the trunk of a tree!), the fertile central valley (we stomped grapes to make wine), the steep hills in … read more.

UU Travelers… Tour of Water

On Sunday we talked a lot about water and it’s many forms. We started with… the river!

Everyone agreed…the river is up!

The river is up!

After talking about water, ice, snow, hail, steam (and the many flies in the room) we ventured outside for … read more.

Family Fun – Splash Park

Saturday we had a great family fun event at the Splash Park…. only…. it rained all day and the thermometer didn’t even get to 70 degrees!

Here’s the splash park… minus children. 🙁

Maybe next time!

Summer 2013

It’s Summer and our UU children are enjoying the UU World Travelers curriculum.

All grades are combined during the summer and each Sunday we are visited by a guest Tour Guide.

Summer adventures include…

June – tours of Hawaii, Pillsbury Crossing, campfires, and food

July – tours of sound, … read more.

UU Travelers… Nature Scavenger Hunt

On Sunday Sylvia led us on a Nature Scavenger Hunt! We all search high and low.  We found heart-shaped leaves, crickets, spiders, beetles, birds, moss, flowers, sticks, rough things, smooth things, smelly things, and a host of other treasures. Thank you Sylvia!

After the scavenger hunt, … read more.

UU Travelers… sound & boredom

Sunday we continued our tour of sound by using our ears to differentiate a variety of familiar sounds.

Among other things, we heard…

 popcorn popping (and got to eat some)…

 a can of root beer opening (and got to drink some)…
       … read more.

UU Travelers… tour of sound

Sunday we created many fascinating sounds with bottles, flutes, pipes, and wood.  Many thanks to Tom Manney for his skills and woodworking shop. He designed all the pieces for the instruments we made.


Playing the wood keys

Small … read more.