Email and office hours:

Please check the UUFM calendar before coming to office hours. If for some reason we are unavailable at the regular time, it will be reflected there.

  • Rev. Dr. Isabel Call:
    • Pastor Isa has office hours Tuesday 1:30-3:30 at the Fellowship and on Zoom. She is available for in-person appointments Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and phone and Zoom conversations other times. Friday is her Sabbath. Call or text her at 785-748-2533, or email
  • Director of Religious Ed, Sandy Nelson:
    • Sandy is available in the Fellowship office on Mondays and Thursdays, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm.
  • Office and Communications Coordinator, Hannah Morgan Phelps:
    • Hannah is available virtually 9:30-12:30 Tuesdays and Thursdays or in person 2-7 Mondays, 12-6 Wednesdays, and 2-5 Fridays. 
    • Hannah is available during the times listed above by text and phone at 785-422-7364. (Please do not call outside of Hannah’s work hours.)

Office phone: (785) 537-2349. For faster response, text Hannah or Pastor Isa or send an email.

Our Address:

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Manhattan
481 Zeandale Road
Manhattan KS 66502
See the Location page for directions and more information.

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