December 14, 2021 –

Tech Upgrade for Online and In-Person Services:  The UUFM Board approved the purchase of new audio-visual equipment for the sanctuary that will significantly improve our ability to provide a quality Sunday Service both in person and online.  Upgrades will include two high-quality wall-mounted cameras, a mixer upgrade (the mixer allows the tech to control the sound system,) new mics including an ear set mic for the minister and musician and a mic attached to the piano.  This system can be run by one person as opposed to the three that are now required.  Total cost for equipment and labor to install is $21,000.  The Finance Committee has been directed to decide how to finance this purchase.  The Tech Team will look into the cost of on-going service by the supplier.

The UUFM COVID Advisory Panel (Stacy Broughman, Rob Delong, Kathleen Tanona, and Les Loschky) presented Covid-19 Policy Recommendations.  The Board has taken these recommendations under advisement and will take action on them after they have had a few days to study them.  The Board is taking into consideration the difficulty hearing the speakers that some members in the sanctuary are having.  If you have questions or concerns, please contact one of the Advisory Panel members or a Board member.

Chris Bailey is the new chair of the Finance Committee.  They are getting ready to work on the 2022/23 budget and stewardship (fundraising) campaign.  If you have interest or aptitude, Chris would welcome your help on the committee.

At the suggestion of Pastor Isabel, the Board voted to close the Fellowship the week after Christmas (December 27 to 31) as a paid holiday for all staff.   The Fellowship building will be closed and staff will only be available in case of emergency.

The Board met on Tuesday, December 14, via Zoom, with Judy Nickelson, Board Chair; Amy Betz, Chair-Elect; Cathy Hedge, Secretary; Dan Swenson, Treasurer; Marisa Larsen, Member; Rev. Isabel Call, Minister; Sandy Nelson; Director of Religious Education; Chris Bailey, Finance Chair; Les Loschky, COVID Advisory Panel, and Doug Walter, Sunday Services Tech Team present.  They will meet again on January 11, at 7 pm.  All meetings are open.  If you would like to attend, please contact a Board member to get the Zoom link. 

Judy Nickelson, Board Chair

Contact Judy with questions, concerns, and suggestions at