Job Descriptions
Click on the appropriate link below to view Job Descriptions and other information relevant to Executive Board Offices, Committee Administration, and other volunteer positions:
Board Officers- Chair
- Past Chair
- Chair Elect
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Members-at-Large
Facilities Committee (Building, Grounds, Memorial Garden, Building Rental Form)
Caring Committee (Memorial Planning Checklist)
Committee on Ministry (currently unstaffed)
Finance Committee
Historian (position currently unfilled)
Strategic Planning Committee
Membership and Welcoming Committee (Sunday morning Greeters‘ information)
Music Committee
Nominating Committee
Religious Education Committee (Nursery Coordinator Information)
Social Committee
Coffee and Greeting Team Coordinator (Coffee Hosts, Greeters, Coffee/Greeting teams, Checklist)
Social Action Committee
Stewardship Committee
Sunday Service Committee (Conveners‘ Information; Sound System Information)
Welcoming Congregation Committee (currently unstaffed)