May 4, 2024
3:00 PM Central Time
Come a bit early for fabulous music.
Stay after for the reception.

In-person and on Zoom.
481 Zeandale Rd
Meeting ID: 942 0904 4890
Passcode: 001710

Spiritual leaders, religious professionals, and healers will be gathering at 2:30. If you are in this group, please RSVP so that we can share additional instructions.

RSVP here!

The offering will be split between the Living Tradition Fund and the Kanza Heritage Society. Donations can be made at or by texting (785) 434-9296 and typing the number of dollars followed by the word “install” (e.g. “50 install”).


Thank you to Rev. Kimberly Debus, whose ordination is shown in the picture above left, and Rev. Kimberly Quinn Johnson who is leading the procession. The photo of Rev. Isabel is from her 2021 ordination by the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbus, OH.