Since Rev Jonalu is retiring in August of 2021, we are in search of a minister.  In an effort to be fully transparent with our congregation, and on behalf of the Ministerial Search Committee, I would like to apprise you of some changes.

First and foremost, the type of search for a minister has changed. Originally, we were in search for a three- quarter time “settled” minister.  Note that Rev Jonalu voluntarily reduced her full-time position to three-quarter time this past year.  From the Annual Meeting minutes, April 26, 2020:  “Settled ministry is different from any ministry we’ve had before.  Jonalu is a developmental minister and previous ministers have been contract ministers.  Settled ministry is a long-term commitment between congregation and minister and therefore is a more involved process.”  At that meeting we voted to invest around $15,000 in the ministerial candidate.  This would cover travel expenses and hosting the candidate for a week of getting to know them, and them being introduced to the congregation and the Manhattan area.

Enter coronavirus pandemic.  Full disclosure:  I have not been my best, and I have struggled.  I reached out to the UUA Transitions Program Manager Christine Purcell, for help with our settled ministry search.  She said we are not the only ones struggling; half of the almost 50 congregations have dropped out of settled search.  The good news is, Christine made the recommendation that we apply for a “contract-to-call” minister (a short-term contract with the option to call).  I discussed this with the Ministerial Search Committee, and invited Christine to a Zoom Q&A with the Board.

With support from the UUA, Ministerial Search Committee, and Board, moving forward with a “contract-to-call” search makes the most sense during these uncertain times.  Currently, a ministerial candidate will not be able to travel and stay a week to get to know us, and us them.  Instead, getting acquainted will occur virtually.  While this would save us a large expense, it does not seem fair to anyone in this situation to commit to a long-term settled minister position.  Our hope is that a contract-to-call minister will love our congregation, and Manhattan, as much as we do, and over a couple of years the feeling will be mutual and we can call the minister to stay longer.

Who are your Ministerial Search Committee members?  I, Jessica Sievers, am your chair.  It is my honor to work with Molly McGaughey, Susan Rensing, Scott Tanona, Larry Weaver, Marisa Larson, and to have Lily Colburn for an alternate.  This committee was chosen from nominations provided by Fellowship members and/or Board- appointed to round out the representation of the committee.  The committee was unanimously approved by the congregation at the Annual April meeting.

The committee’s goal is to uphold the best interest of our beloved congregation.  Look for more updates in the future.  In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions about this process.  I may be reached at

Sincerely, Jessica Sievers, Ministerial Search Committee Chair