Dear All,

I am happy to report that we had a very successful Congregational Meeting this past October 18.  We had nearly 60 people show up to voice their opinion on two important topics!  In particular, we voted to approve a renewed, but streamlined mission statement.  That mission statement is that UUFM is:

A diverse, evolving spiritual community acting for a better world.

I want to especially thank Les Loschky who headed the committee along with a handful of other dedicated members to distill feedback from all of you on what you liked and disliked about previous iterations of the mission.  Thank you to everyone who was involved in giving feedback or making sense of it.  I am thoroughly happy with our new, easy-to-remember mission.

We also voted on whether to approve the 2015 UUA Statement of Immediate Witness to support the Black Lives Matter movement.  This was brought to our attention by Judy Nickelson.  I am also happy to say that we approved this, lending our congregation’s support behind an incredibly important issue in society.  Thanks to Judy and all those on the Social Action and Racial Justice Committees for raising our awareness of the importance of these topics. 

Finally, thanks to each and every person who came to the Congregational Meeting to ensure that we met quorum so we could decide on these important issues.  It certainly has been an interesting year, but I have felt privileged to act as your board chair during this turbulent time.  As we delve further into fall, my sincere hope is for all to remain safe while able to see loved ones in-person or from afar. 

Best regards,   

          Rob Morrison, UUFM Board Chair