Trusting Possibility

In part II of Pastor Isa’s March series on reciprocal economics, we reflect on the power of aspiration to shape our communities and the role of a budget as a moral document.

Join us in-person on Zeandale Rd or on Zoom.

Trusting Action (video available)

This Sunday, we invite folks of all ages to enjoy the core elements of Unitarian Universalist worship — our chalice lighting, singing together, story-telling, sharing our joys and sorrows, and practicing generosity. Then we’ll break into smaller groups to practice Trusting Ourselves (introvert-friendly), Trusting Each … read more.

Trusting Seeds

There is a lot of life packed into a tiny seed, far more than we can understand. And yet we know that when we plant, water, and weed around them, they often grow into beautiful and delicious plants. Similarly, we can’t fully understand each other, … read more.