Decolonized Hospitality

UUFM planted roots on the side of a hill on Zeandale Road in the 1990s and has since hosted generations of Unitarian Universalists, guests, and local and out-of-town speakers. Hospitality is central to living into our vision as a vibrant, inclusive safe haven. But last … read more.

Threads of Authenticity

In his poem, “The Way It Is,” William Stafford insists that “you never let go of the thread.” This Sunday, Pastor Isabel interprets his words as a blessing of authenticity, reassuring us that no matter what, our true nature is always present. Even in the … read more.

The Warp and Weft of Inclusion

We open our month-long theme of Inclusion by reflecting on the creative effort of being a diverse evolving spiritual community. Using the metaphor of weaving, we embody the forethought and hospitality of the warp as well as the courage and flexibility of the weft. When … read more.