Process Guide

As a community, we make decisions transparently and collaboratively and seek ways to engage all our members in our various activities. There are two main areas of decision-making.
- The Board advances the UUFM mission through conversation, partnership, and policy-making.
- The Community Team catalyzes and sustains UUFM activities through delegation, supervision, coordination, and communication. We hold and share institutional knowledge and make decisions related to Fellowship life.
The map below shows the various areas of decision-making within the Fellowship. For detailed information, check out the UUFM Process Guide, our collaborative, dynamic how-to guide for doing things within the Fellowship. If you have a question or correction, please email the leaders listed or our Office and Communications Coordinator.

Members and friends of UUFM participate in a range of activities both small and large. To get information about any of these options, or learn how to get in touch with the contact person, you can call or email our office. Among regular groups are
- Chalice Circles: A way to get to know a small group of people and experience and explore our monthly themes. Different groups meet daytime, weeknights, and on Sunday afternoon. Learn more at, or ask Rev Isabel Call.
- Book Discussion: Meets monthly on the final Friday of the month. Learn more from Susan Adamchhak.
- Wednesday Luunch Buunch: Meets every Wednesday at noon, on Zoom, for lively discussion and a shared meal. Contact Michael Oldfather.
- UU Coffee Group: Meets every Thursday morning, at 9:30 am, on Zoom. Contact Jane Pelletier.
- Family-oriented activities (bowling, parent’s night out, ping-pong tournaments …). Check the latest information from Religious Education.
- Firefly Open Circle: A Pagan open circle for community, spirituality, and magic/religious practices, meets monthly, on irregular Saturdays. Contact Mandy Ryan.