Our youth education program is dedicated to giving children a chance to explore religion and spirituality with open minds, to enact social justice aims with helping hands, and to form close connections with their peers and teachers through warm hearts. Classes are inviting, exploratory, and diverse.

During the school year we offer organized Sunday morning religious education (RE) experiences and regular social activities for newborns through 6th graders. The RE year is divided into quarters. First quarter focuses on Unitarian Universalism and its seven principles. Second quarter focuses on the rich Jewish and Christian heritage of Unitarian Universalism. Third quarter focuses on world religions and frequently involves guest speakers and field trips to other places of worship. Fourth quarter is our summer “UU World Travelers” program. Additionally, UUFM uses monthly themes. These themes give focus to the entire congregation.

All children need to be registered each year.

Please complete the registration form here: RE Registration Form

Class Meeting Times and Places

Youth Education classes meet during the adult service. The nursery is open at 10:00 and remains open until the service ends. All other classes begin after the children have been dismissed from the adult service (this is usually after the Time for All Ages) and conclude at 12:00 noon.

The classes meet in the fellowship building, gathering all together at first, and then dividing into age groups – each with its own space. Please see the doors for age group markers as they may change per year depending on class size.

Our Classes and Lead Teachers

Nursery for 0-3 years old: In the nursery we combine structured time with free play. Each week, class begins with an introductory welcome song. Then the children listen to a story and do an activity related to the theme of the week. Themes range from colors and numbers to holidays and special celebrations. Afterwards, they sing, dance, and tell nursery rhymes. The class concludes with free play. Of course, with babies and toddlers, structured time is not always completely structured, and free play is always allowed!

Kindergarten – 6th Grade: Our active elementary age level class uses Soul Matters theme packets each month. The curriculum is filled with stories, experience-based learning activities, music, mindfulness practices, body practices , games, crafts, skits, videos, and more.

Social Action

Two or three times a year the students assist in collecting non-perishable food items for the Flint Hills Breadbasket, a local food pantry. Students have also collected aluminum cans and used the funds to make donations to various agencies. During the summer months there are a variety of opportunities to help at local community meals.

Social Activities 

In addition to lessons and social justice, our youth like to have fun together. We provide many opportunities for this.

Family Fun Event:  Occasionally, we plan an activity for the whole family. Past events include camping out, pizza and fun at the Splash Park, bowling at KSU’s bowling alley, an ice cream social, Trunk or Treat, a Thanksgiving potluck, and a Christmas cookie swap.

Kids Night/Parent Night Out:  Each season we hold a Kids Night event from 6:00-9:00. We eat pizza, watch a movie, and participate in a variety of of other supervised activities. The fall and winter events frequently find us outside around a campfire.

If you are a Religious Education volunteer and need access to program documents, please click the links below. For access, ask a member of the RE Team.


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