Altaring the Past and Altering the Future (video available)

Our memories can come alive any time of the year. But Halloween, the Day of the Dead, and All Souls Day mark a particularly resonant season of remembrance. When memories are left untended, they can haunt our futures. So together, we acknowledge what has been true of our pasts, practice gratitude and nonattachment, and allow the future to grow out of our health.


Heritage altar: People who shaped you

Bring a photo, memorial object, or symbol from a person who shaped you. This could be a familial, spiritual, or intellectual ancestor. Or it could be a departed relative, friend, teacher, or pet. We will place these physical memories on a shared altar. You may leave them on the Altar through November 5th, or take them home after the service.

Join us in-person on Zeandale Rd or on Zoom.