Until further notice, there will be NO in-person attendance at Sunday services. You can participate in services virtually at https://uuma.zoom.us/j/9797400824?pwd=WjNTUldoci9VWjNtMFNsNjBsMlZTZz09. Meeting ID: 979 740 0824. The service begins at 10:30 am, on Sunday mornings. Find helpful information and links at https://uufm.net/zoom/.
Rev Jonalu Johnstone presents this service. This Easter morning, we retell some of the stories of and about Jesus, casting him not as savior, but as liberator. Jesus endorsed new family structures, praised outcasts and foreigners, and invited little children to come to him. Killed because he challenged structures of power, his life and work refused to die. If you have favorite stories or quotations of Jesus, please share them now with Jonalu, at revjonalu@uufm.net, or share during the virtual service. Rob Morrison, at william.robert.morrison@gmail.com, convenes.