More than Enough (video available)

We are joined by Rev Rachael Pryor.  One of the primary contributors to fear in our lives and our culture is scarcity.  There’s not enough money, not enough room for everyone, not enough participation to effect change.  We are not lovable enough, not safe enough, not powerful enough.  We have not done enough, not given enough, not tried hard enough.  This warped narrative of scarcity often flips the story, convincing the wealthy that they don’t have enough while claiming that the poor, the disabled, the immigrant, the People of Color, the LGBTQ+ folks, the uninsured, the non-Christians, are asking for too much.  Interfaith organizing offers us tools to reclaim a narrative of hope, of humility, of humanity: of having enough, and being enough, and doing enough, together.  In the end, it doesn’t change the work we do, so much as it changes the way we do it.  In a season of change, both in nature and in our government, let’s be open to changing our own story in a way that helps change fear into revolutionary love.  Cathy Hedge convenes.

We continue to offer a virtual option for those who prefer to join us remotely, at our usual Sunday morning service URL,, at 10:45 am.  The meeting ID is 926 0431 3401 and the password is zeandale.