Spiritual Journeys (video available)

In the next installment of our spiritual journeys series, Emily Fraser discusses her experiences growing as a Pastor’s child in a conservative denomination.  Dan Swenson shares his own spiritual journey and leads a discussion on Pastor Ron Knapp’s book, Oneness, and how this has shaped his insights.  Join us and discover how others have come to where they are at to live more mindfully.  Our convener is Rob Morrison at william.robert.morrison@gmail.com.

Sunday services will meet on ZOOM only, through February 6, due to the current surge of COVID-19 cases in our area.  Please join us virtually on Zoom, at our usual Sunday morning service URL, https://zoom.us/j/92604313401?pwd=OXlyeW1RQ0I4U1cxQ1FpU0x2TlZqdz09, at 10:30 am.  The meeting ID is 926 0431 3401 and the password is zeandale.