Until further notice, there will be NO in-person attendance at Sunday services. You can participate in services virtually at https://uuma.zoom.us/j/9797400824?pwd=WjNTUldoci9VWjNtMFNsNjBsMlZTZz09. Meeting ID: 979 740 0824. The service begins at 10:30 am, on Sunday mornings. Find helpful information and links at https://uufm.net/zoom/.
Rev Jonalu Johnstone reflects, “UU’s chafe at the idea of surrender. We’re such activists and can-do folks. Which is good. Except when it isn’t. There are times when we are freed by letting go and giving into the circumstances in which we find ourselves. ‘Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose,’ wrote Kris Kristofferson. How might the idea of surrender help us find freedom?” Our convener is Chris Bailey at meadbailey@gmail.com.
The UUFM 2020 Annual Meeting follows the April 26 service at 12 noon. Review details to be discussed at the meeting at https://uufm.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/2020AnnualMtgDetails.pdf.