Category: Archived Services

Audio Archive, Aug. 7 – A Matter of Size

Larry Weaver and Mark Clarke guide an exploration of our universe, from the smallest of the small to structures almost too large to comprehend. We’ll discuss what we know today about the universe around us, and what we thought we knew in the past. Our … read more.

Audio Archive, July 31 – Literary Fiction

How can a novel make its reader more empathetic? How does literary fiction expand our understanding of humanity and stretch definitions of a “holy book?” Sarah Hoyt reflects on authors such as David Mitchell, Marilynne Robinson and others who have crafted works that — as Franz Kafka … read more.

Audio Archive, July 24 – Vacation or Sabbath?

Reverend Jonalu Johnstone offers reflections. Is summertime a time for easing back and taking off a week or two? What’s the value of an extended time of leisure? How has it been captured by religious traditions? What’s the difference between taking a Sabbath and a … read more.

Audio Archive, July 17 – Taizé with a UU Accent

The village of Taizé, France, hosts an ecumenical community of monks (and sisters) who developed a worship practice including scripture, silence, and chant. Their practice has migrated across the world and inspired Taizé services everywhere. We learn about their process and experiment — in a … read more.

Audio Archive, July 10 – The Universe Story

The story of the universe is more than science and natural history; it’s also a sacred story. As Loyal Rue, philosopher at  Loyola College, has said, “In the course of epic events, matter was distilled out of radiant energy, segregated into galaxies, collapsed into … read more.