Category: Archived Services

Audio Archive, Nov. 4, 2013 – Venturing Forth

The Fellowship’s Spiritual Ecology reading and exploration group shares their experiences of how we might interpret Einstein’s invitation to be a “circle of understanding and compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of Nature in its Beauty. “We share what inspires us to seek … read more.

Audio Archive, Oct. 27, 2013 – Meadow-Thinking

The Meadow is a sustainable landscape of native plants at KSU, a living memorial to William C. and Sara T. Hummel. Goals of the Meadow include providing a place where connections can be made between the Beach Museum’s regionally-focused art and STEM (science, technology, … read more.

Audio Archive, Oct. 6, 2013 – Finding the Courage

Reverend Michael Nelson describes this sermon, “To maintain a supple moral life we must stretch beyond our comfort level.  Psychologist Amber Vennum will work with a father (Rev. Nelson) to listen to his daughter’s (Ashley Vaughn) needs to express herself boldly in the world … read more.