Category: minister-note

Note from Pastor Isa

A Holiday Message

Robert Fulghum, a UU minister best-known for “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten,” speaks about that “funny feeling you get when you know that once again Christmas has come to you.” It comes in different ways. One year, I got it … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal – December 2017

We’re in the midst of what has come to be known as “the holiday season,” sometime between Thanksgiving and New Years.  Perhaps no time of year brings higher expectations and anxiety. Some of the expectations come from outside ourselves–the in-laws who want to include you … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal – November 2017

The deaths of armed service members in Niger brought to light the military presence of our nation in an unexpected place. When I noted to a group of local people, “We don’t even know–our Senate Armed Services Committee doesn’t even know–where we are militarily involved,” … read more.

Law Board Testimony

Here is what I said to the Riley County Law Board (the group that oversees the Riley County Police Department) as a part of the testimony by the Coalition for Equal Justice on Monday, October 16:

On behalf of the Coalition for Equal Justice, I want … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal – October 2017

In these times of political uproar and justifiable anger and fear, we don’t want to lose track of the need for connection and centering, what I would call a spiritual connection. Why? Because without that, we too easily become lost in drives, emotions, and ego, … read more.

Support for the Dreamers

This is the letter I sent to The Mercury, on behalf of Manhattan Alliance for Peace and Justice (MAPJ) on September 8. It remains relevant.

To the Editor:

I went to the Wednesday protest at Bosco Plaza of President Trump’s rescission of DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal – September 2017

Welcome seems such a simple thing, but when you reflect on it, so many factors–large and small–go into it.

I hope my welcome to all of you–long-time members, new folks, and even those of you who have never stepped into this space–feels genuine and warm.  I … read more.

Countering White Supremacy

photo by Rachel Shivers

Why do we have to denounce something as clearly horrible as Nazism and white supremacy? It ought to be clear. Every person of conscience knows that the ideas they endorse are anathema.

As many of you know, Manhattan Alliance for Peace and Justice … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal — August 2017

When you read this, I will likely be on vacation–headed back to West Virginia to revisit wonderful old haunts from decades ago. What will have changed? I wonder. What will still be the same?

In our memories, our old homes and hangouts never change. Or maybe … read more.