On a cold December day, I stood with others, including five members of the Fellowship, at a demonstration on behalf of service and maintenance workers at K-State in their efforts to move the basic wage from $10.56 an hour up to $12 an hour, equal … read more.
Category: minister-note
Note from Pastor Isa
Peace on Earth?
My favorite Christmas song is an obscure one – “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote the words. The narrator tells of hearing the bells ringing on Christmas Day, repeating the refrain of “Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All” (yes, yes, … read more.
Post-Election Thoughts
We are now two weeks past the election. Some of the intensity of feelings has faded. The dust may be settling, though the nation is still divided. That would be true no matter what the election results had been. One party dominates every branch of … read more.
Fellowship Stories
When a group of us gathered for the Strategic Planning Workshop in late September, Katie Kingery-Page led us in a story-telling exercise. Small groups were invited to come up with and share with the whole group stories of the fellowship building that had stuck with … read more.
As the High Holy Days Approach
The Jewish High Holy Days arrive this month (Rosh Hashanah October 3-4 and Yom Kippur October 12). Each year, these holidays call Jews to consider where they have fallen short and to release those shortcomings to start again with a fresh slate. In the ritual … read more.
Theme-based Ministry
Welcome to theme-based ministry!
Each month we’ll focus on a broad theme that has resonance for Unitarian Universalists in our personal and spiritual lives. You can read about the theme in the newsletter, hear about it during Sunday services, and experience it in religious education. What’s … read more.
Celebrating the Non-Discrimination Ordinance
The pace of life can be so fast and the deluge of bad news so overwhelming that I forget to take the time to celebrate real victories.
Last week was such a win. As you probably know by now, the Manhattan City Commission approved the addition … read more.
Why Religion?
With all the opportunities for action in the world, all the ways you can learn new things, and all the organizations you could join or work with, why bother with religion? A variety of answers can be given.
Some people say religion provides a framework of … read more.
Summer at UUFM
Summer is full on here! Temps in the 90’s and 100’s can hardly be interpreted any other way.
Fortunately, at least in Manhattan, things slow down in the summer. It used to be that the fellowship closed in the summer! Those days are long past. The … read more.
Grieving Justice
Two more African American men dead at the hands of police in circumstances where armed intervention looked unnecessary. The deaths of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge and Philando Castile in the suburbs of St. Paul remind us that #BlackLivesMatter still matters.
According to Julia Craven in … read more.