Category: minister-note

Note from Pastor Isa

Things UU Churches Do Right, January 19, 2012

Fellowship members Melissa and David McKee share some thoughts on things that have worked in various UU congregations they have been a part of around the country.   Highlights of their commentary were printed in the February 2012 edition of The UUFM Voice.   Melissa and … read more.

Doing More Good Work…

Ida B. Wells, 1862-1931, an African-American journalist, brought  intense focus on the history of gender, race and class discord in the United States. She devoted much of her life to the empowerment of women and racial justice issues. She met defeat with the kind of … read more.

Do No Harm


“Bad as all slave holders are, we seldom meet one destitute of every element of character commanding respect. My master was one of the rare sort. I do not know of one single noble act ever performed by him. … read more.

Picking Winter Fruit

In these short days and long nights many  people I know move into a funk zone. I am especially grateful for the birds as winter takes over. I can depend on their flight, chat, antics, grace…to bring a glow to a dim day. When one lands … read more.

UU’s Impact Walmart” Diversity Policy

The following quote can be found on the Unitarian Universalist Association web site:

“Unitarian Universalist Association has filed a shareholder resolution asking Walmart to add Gender Identity or Expression to its non-discrimination policy.  Last week we were notified by Walmart’s Office of Diversity that they were … read more.


“A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.” -Saul Bellow

We need vital activism in this world as we need those who move deep into contemplation. Hopefully the result of both lead to a … read more.

When Progressives Achieved Success In The Past

Roots Hold Me CLose


“When progressives achieved success in the past, whether at organizing unions or fighting for equal rights, they seldom bet their future on a politicians. They fashioned their own institutions — unions, women’s groups, community and immigrant centers and a … read more.

Lingering sparkle…

As I was leaving the Fellowship this afternoon I passed by children giggling on the couches in Cory’s office. I felt their sparkle as I walked Poppy on the prairie. The angle of the sun sharpening—bringing depth and brightness of tone—lulling the memory to … read more.

Unexpected Glory

This morning glory grew from compost we shoveled along the porch. Its ascendancy surprised us and continues to surprise. Who knows from which flower and seed this vine sprung? The compost did not come from our pile. It is a mystery we are happy … read more.

The Secret and Abundant Nature of Love













You can barely see me. I am holding the key to the church of my ancestors. Inside this church, built in 1100 A.D. my grandfather was baptized in 1901 and sat with his parents as the church shook in … read more.