Category: minister-note

Note from Pastor Isa

Jonalu’s Journal — April 2019

In February, our theme was trust.  Have you noticed how the themes move into one another?  We went from trust, to journey in March and to wholeness for this month.  We need trust to make the journey.  We need to journey to reach wholeness.  As … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal — March 2019

In the last year, UUFM has had a sudden uptick in membership.  Currently, more than a quarter of our membership is new in the last year.  That’s a tremendous amount of change for everyone.

This congregation does well with change.  When we’ve experimented with how we … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal — February 2019

As we approach Valentines Day in this era of #metoo, trust may be a good thing to think about in our personal lives.  We’ve witnessed tremendous violations of trust in the public sphere, and the reports just keep on coming.

For most us, though, trust doesn’t … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal — January 2019

Why would we think about doing things differently?

That’s the basic question whenever we begin looking at possibilities in our personal or congregational lives.  You’ll see elsewhere in this newsletter that the Board has set January 20 as a congregational meeting to talk about exploring a … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal December 2018

As I write, we still don’t know how many people were killed in the California wildfires, though more than a thousand are unaccounted for.  Nor are the Camp Fire and Woolsey Fire yet fully contained.  Environmental devastation on this scale is hard to … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal November 2018

We are Unitarian Universalists.  We are brave, curious, and compassionate thinkers and doers. We are believers in what is good, what is right, and what is just … We are a house without walls, a congregation without spiritual boundaries, and a movement towards … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal October 2018

How do we care about one another?

As a congregation, it’s one of our central concerns.  We strive to make UUFM a safe haven for ideas, yes, but for people, too.  So we need to take care of one another.

On September 22, fourteen of us gathered … read more.

When to Call the Minister

“When To Call The Minister” is a piece that has circulated among UU’s — and before that Universalists — since 1957.  Originally written by Universalist minister Peter Lee Scott for the Elm City Universalist Church in New Haven, CT, people have copied and recopied it. … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal September 2018

UUFM wants to be your third place.

If home is the first place and work (or school for some of us!) is the second place, the third place is another place where you spend time and make connections with people, a place “where everyone knows your … read more.