Category: minister-note

Note from Pastor Isa

When to Call the Minister

“When To Call The Minister” is a piece that has circulated among UU’s — and before that Universalists — since 1957.  Originally written by Universalist minister Peter Lee Scott for the Elm City Universalist Church in New Haven, CT, people have copied and recopied it. … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal September 2018

UUFM wants to be your third place.

If home is the first place and work (or school for some of us!) is the second place, the third place is another place where you spend time and make connections with people, a place “where everyone knows your … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal August 2018

Why are you a Unitarian Universalist?  (assuming you are!)  Maybe you came for religious education for your children.  Maybe the social activism drew you in.  Maybe you were looking for a community of support after a difficult time in your life.

I stumbled onto Unitarian Universalism … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal – July 2018

Perhaps you’ve noticed we’ve tried some different things during Sunday morning services.  We had some testimonials about how and why people are active in the world.  We had a band do special music one week.  We had a flower ceremony where we created a piece … read more.

Beatitudes for Today

Rev Jonalu Johnstone offers a summary of Beatitudes for Today, drawn from her reflections on Sunday, June 17:

Blessed are black lives because they matter.
Blessed are indigenous people because their connection to the earth leads us to redemption from our environmental sins.
Blessed are queer people because … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal – June 2018

I have been asked how it felt to participate in the Poor People’s Campaign direct action.  Many of you know that the Poor People’s Campaign is a reawakening of a campaign that Martin Luther King, Jr, was planning at the time of his assassination.  The … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal – May 2018

The image I found for this month’s theme of creativity shows a brick wall with graffiti proclaiming, “Together, We Create!”  This is true in many aspects of our congregational life, perhaps nowhere more than in Sunday morning worship services.  We create on Sunday mornings with … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal – April 2018

What might UUFM emerge into?

The world of religion today is different from the world many of us grew up with.  Church–or any religious institution–feels optional to most people.  More and more people define themselves as “spiritual but not religious,” or as “nones,” having no particular … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal – March 2018

Throughout March, Christians are celebrating Lent, a season that most UU’s are not very clued in to.  We struggle enough with how to celebrate Easter, with its incredible central story of resurrection.  What are we to do with Lent, a time of preparation for Easter … read more.

The Promise and the Practice

On January 28, we participated in “The Promise and the Practice,” a UUA recommended service of reflection and commitment about the black experience of Unitarian Universalism. As part of that service, people wrote their hopes and fears. Reading them inspired me and I thought might … read more.