Category: RE Blog

Blog for the Religious Education Program.

Power of Song / Power of Expression

On March 17th our students continued exploring the idea of peace and principle 6: Work for a peaceful world. All the children started their morning listening for “answers blowing in the wind,” and then our 3rd-5th grade class and 6th-8th grade class enjoyed the … read more.

Family Fun: St. Pat’s Parade

We had fun (even though it was cold) at the Aggieville St. Patrick’s Day Parade.  We saw lots of UU’s enjoying the festivities.

We did the parade in reverse… as the parade floats were lining up in the park, we walked and the parade stood still. … read more.

Personal Peace

On March 10th our students continued exploring the idea of peace and principle 6: Work for a peaceful world.  There was lots of focus on personal peace. The 6th-8th grade class found peace with their hands and a quilling project. Then they tried a … read more.


Sunday’s RE classes enjoyed a little bit of lessons and a lot of snow time!

The 6-8 grade class … Six young women in the 6-8 class this week! After a quick recap of the … read more.

Quiet Times

Sunday RE classes were a little quiet.

Kim was out with the stomach flu so please send good thoughts her way.  Several children were gone as well so I hope the flu is on … read more.

Parents Night Out, A Voice, and Pep Talks

Our students plunged right into February.

First we had a fabulous time at Parents Night Out.  The kids created some beautiful Valentine art – each one hopefully making its way to the front of a refrigerator at home.   We danced a little and played a rousing … read more.

Winter AGAIN!

Wow. It really IS winter! Don’t let the cold scare you away. Our students have plenty of warmth in their hearts to keep you cozy.

We finished up lessons on the principle  – “Search for what is true” this Sunday.

The 6th-8th grade class used a list … read more.