Category: RE Blog

Blog for the Religious Education Program.

May 27: End of School-Year Classes

The nursery had a good day Sunday. The little ones were all smiles. They had a dance party to celebrate the end of their year together and then went outside to play.

The pre-K class had an end-of-year party complete with cupcakes! They remembered all the good … read more.

May 20: Chicka Teddy Song Revelation


The theme this week was “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” and the alphabet!! The little guys enjoyed the great outdoors together Sunday as well. What better “classroom” than the beautiful giant world we are blessed to live in. You might have seen them out there giggling … read more.

Family Fun Spring Cleaning

What a super fun and productive Saturday. The RE kids (and adults) got together to clean up and organize our classrooms. The older kids (and adult help) painted the newly remodeled stage room. What a great way to allow our kids some investment in their … read more.

Hold on to your teddy bears, Sunday re-cap

We had a terriffic Sunday celebrating Mothers.  Our children were introduced to the spirit Mother concept, as were we all.  What an interesting idea! 🙂 This is a brilliant way to connect us all.  So far, I know that Anna was reveled as Jocelyn’s Spirit mother…what fun they will have getting to know … read more.

Farewell, but not Good-Bye

Today is my last official day as DRE. On Monday I start my position with the OEIE at K State. I have greatly appreciated my time working with the RE children, teachers, and families and the fellowship as a whole. It is an experience I … read more.

May 6: Golden Rule, Caregiving, and Shapes

This week we celebrated diversity during the Children’s Conversation. Then we had a diversity of lessons. The K-2nd and 3rd-8th graders learned about Jesus’ teachings and the Golden Rule, the preschoolers about caregiving, and the infants and toddlers about shapes.

In the 3rd-8th grade classroom, Larry … read more.

PNO: Mary Poppins

We really did have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious time on Friday night! We started the evening by drawing with sidewalk chalk in the parking spots in the lower lot. They were so life-sized, we could jump into them just like Mary Poppins! Then we went inside to … read more.

Apr 29: Gardening and Friendship

We extended our gardening adventures on Sunday by talking about our new RE garden and eating locally during the Children’s Conversation and then having a plant sale for the fellowship. During our lesson time, the K-2nd and 3rd-8th graders talked about gardening and prepared for … read more.

Gardening Family Fun Event

We had a wonderful time planting our RE garden and preparing for the plant sale on Saturday. The weather cooperated beautifully – it was sunny and lovely on Saturday and then after our plants were in the ground, it rained. Yay for good luck!

A big … read more.

Apr 22: Jesus and Spring

This week the RE kids learned about the teachings and temptations of Jesus and more about spring through their five senses and the celebration of May Day.

In the 3rd-6th grade class, Larry told the story of the Good Samaritan. Then they acted it out. After … read more.