Category: RE Blog

Blog for the Religious Education Program.

Apr 15: Repentance, Dreams, and Picnics

This week we honored the Our Whole Lives graduates during the service. Then we dispersed to our respective classes to learn about John the Baptist, dreams, and picnics. The K-2nd and 3rd-6th graders discussed John the Baptist and the idea of repentance. The preschoolers talked … read more.

Apr 8: Easter

Happy Easter! This week the K-6th graders met together to discuss the life and lessons of Jesus, while the preschoolers and infants and toddlers learned about and celebrated Easter.

This week the K-2nd and 3rd-6th graders all met together in the Jupiter room to discuss the … read more.

PNO: Superhero Scavenger Hunt

We had a super fun time at Parents’ Night Out on Friday!

We began the night by creating superhero identities and then making accompanying costumes. We had everyone from Superman to Buzz Lightyear to Super Talks A Lot to Vampire Shark in attendance!

Then, the superheroes had … read more.

Apr 1: Job, Moving, Passover, and Spring

We love to laugh! We also love to learn! This week the 3rd-6th graders learned about Job, the K-2nd graders learned about the Hebrews’ flight to Egypt, the preschoolers learned about Passover, and the infants and toddlers learned about spring.

In the 3rd-6th grade classroom, Larry … read more.

Mar 25: Jonah and Spring

Spring is here! This week all of the classes went outside at some point in their lessons to enjoy the nice weather. The K-2nd and 3rd-6th graders discussed Jonah and the Large Fish. The preschoolers studied spring flowers and the toddlers and infants learned about … read more.

Mar 18: Wisdom, Rainbows, and Sleep

It was another fun weekend for the RE program. Our plans to get together for the parade were derailed a bit by the Kansas State basketball game, but it was worth it to see the Cats play. They may have lost, but they put up … read more.

Mar 11: Strength, Shadows, and St. Patrick’s Day

This week the RE kids explored the topics of strength, shadows, and St. Patrick’s Day. The 3rd-6th graders discussed Samson and Delilah along with the Greek myth of Hercules. The K-2nd graders talked about David and Goliath. The preschoolers learned about shadows. And, the infants … read more.

March 4: Commandments, Snow, and Cooperation

This week the RE kids learned about the Ten Commandments, snow, and cooperation. The K-2nd and 3rd-6th graders sang and acted out the Bible story; the preschoolers played with snow inside; and, the infants and toddlers read “Little Red Hen” and worked together on a … read more.

PNO: St. Patrick’s Day

The luck of the Irish was with us Friday night – we had a great time! The night began with four-leaf clover making and decorating. We then created a “We are lucky” display in the RE hallway. Check it out!

After the clovers, the kids followed … read more.

Final Our Whole Lives Class

Sunday was our last Our Whole Lives class. The K-2nd and 5th-6th graders completed their 8-week courses. To celebrate the conclusion of the program, we had a party in the Inez Alsop room. Every family brought a dish that represented a favorite family memory. Some … read more.