Category: RE Blog

Blog for the Religious Education Program.

Chili Tasting

Yee-haw! The Chili Tasting Fellowship event on Saturday night was so much fun!

The night started out with a delicious dinner. There were 15 different chilies to try, along with salad, cornbread, muffins, and dessert. It was tough competition for whose chili was the best, but … read more.


This month in the RE program, we begin anew. The K-2nd and 3rd-6th graders will begin a new curriculum on the Judaeo-Christian roots of Unitarian Universalism, the preschoolers will resume their Chalice Children curriculum with new lessons, the infants and toddlers will explore new themes, … read more.

Jan 8: In With the New

This week we resumed our classes with all new lessons. The K-2nd and 3rd-6th graders began their new unit on the Judaeo-Christian roots of Unitarian Universalism, the preschoolers continued their Chalice Children curriculum with new lessons, and the infants and toddlers engaged in a new … read more.

PNO New Year

Happy New Year! We rung in the new year this month at Parents’ Night Out. We started the night by creating promise calendars. Each kid wrote a promise they vowed to keep in 2012 and then drew a calendar below it. For every month they … read more.

Dec 24: Christmas Eve

On Saturday night, we had a special Christmas Eve service. What made it even more special was the involvement of our RE children. To begin the service, Indigo and Burke walked behind Jennifer playing the violin, holding candles. They then lit the candelabra for the … read more.

Dec 18: Christmas

Merry Christmas to all! Today all of the classrooms learned about and celebrated Christmas by reading stories, doing activities, and eating treats. We even had the pleasure of having some of our room grandparents join us!

In the 3rd-6th grade classroom, the kids enjoyed treats from … read more.

Cookie Swap

We had a super sweet time at our cookie swap on Saturday. Everyone brought delicious cookies, from mint brownies to pepper nuts to snicker doodles to classic chocolate chip. While we got ready to swap, the kids made holiday cards to give to fellowship members … read more.

Dec 11: Hanukkah

This week the holiday festivities continued with the celebration of Hanukkah. All of the classes except the 3rd-6th graders read books, played dreidel, and did activities related to the Festival of Lights.

The 3rd-6th graders stayed in the service with the adults this week to enjoy … read more.

Dec 4: Kwanzaa

This week we began our holiday-themed lessons. The 3rd-6th graders and preschoolers studied both Kwanzaa and Hanukkah while the K-2nd graders and infants and toddlers focused on Kwanzaa. All of the kids also continued the Guest at Your Table program.

In the 3rd-6th grade classroom, Larry … read more.

PNO: Birthday Party

Happy Birthday to us! We had a fabulous birthday party Parents’ Night Out on Friday, complete with cake, a piñata, and the movie, Peter Pan.

We began the night by painting birthday cards and hats. The kids got really into it and created wonderful pieces of … read more.