Category: RE Blog

Blog for the Religious Education Program.

Sept. 18: Principle 1, Tour of Fellowship Building, and Counting

This week we plunged head first into the curriculum. The K-2nd and 3rd-6th graders learned about Principle 1 in depth, the pre-K kids toured the fellowship building and learned each room’s function, and the toddlers studied numbers through Cleo’s Counting Book.

In the 3rd-6th grade classroom, … read more.

Ice Cream Social and Drum Circle

Friday night was so much fun! Our Family Fun Night activity this month was an ice cream social, which happened to be scheduled the night of 10 Billion Beats. Since it was a cool and misty night, the drummers met in the sanctuary while we … read more.

Sept. 11: Introductions and Covenant

This week began our fall curriculum. The kids were divided into their respective classes for the year and spent the day introducing themselves, (re)connecting, and making promises for the year through a class covenant.

In the 3rd-6th grade class, the kids began by trying to master … read more.