Category: RE Blog

Blog for the Religious Education Program.


We hid puzzle pieces inside the eggs. Looks like there are a few more eggs to find!

Lots of smiling faces in RE on Easter Sunday.

April 2

The K-2 class explored our transforming world on Sunday. We talked about what a transformation is and ways that the world is constantly transforming around us. We are sprouting some wildflower seeds with the hopes we can see them grow and … read more.


Lots of fun in the PreK – 2nd grade room with art from recycled materials… necklaces, drums, robots, and more! Click to view larger.

The 7th grade and Up class did some brainstorming and word association for how we might define and describe peace. We … read more.

Sandinsky Circles

The kids from Pre-K through 2nd grade had lots of fun creating their own special art on Sunday.

Each student is unique so each piece of art is unique! Click on either picture to view larger.


UUSC Guest at Your Table

Here are two stories about the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) and how its Guest at Your Table program is raising support and awareness of its work to advance human rights.

Bulelwa Panda

“Through my journey I’ve found out that God loves me the way that … read more.

Holiday Crafting

A good time was had by all at the holiday craft and cookie decorating event. Here are just a few of the folks who came. Many thanks to Carolyn, Austin, and Katherine for staffing the tables.
Click on any picture to start a slideshow.

Jocelyn and … read more.

Michael Servetus Academy

Here are the details which the 7th grade and Up class discussed (and discussed some more and discussed some more) about the forming of the Michael Servetus Academy. OPTIONAL was a huge theme in our discussions with students wanting to offer choice in most situations. … read more.

Trunk or Treat

Many thanks to everyone for participating in Trunk or Treat. We had tons of fun.
If you’ve got your own pictures to share, please send them to Sandy to post.
Click on any picture to start a slideshow.




… read more.

Tour of the Florida Keys

Many thanks to Deirdre Greeley (and Carrie and Lauren) for taking us on a tour of the Florida Keys – our final tour of the summer.
We were introduced to buried treasure, unique animals, and delicious food. The Key Lime pie was quite tasty and many … read more.

Tour of the Galapagos Islands

Many thanks to Diane Barker for taking us on a tour of the Galapagos.

Among other things, we learned about the many animals living on the islands. Some birds communicated by mimicking each other.  Later, we got to draw pictures of any animal we wanted.

Click on … read more.