Category: Monthly Themes

Previous Service Themes adapted from Soul Matters

The Gift of Renewal (June 2024)

From our friends at Soul Matters:

We are renewed by so many things: nature, each other, memory, music, play, solitude, silence, and – of course – our faith. Through small groups, calls to justice work, worship, caring for one another, covenant and accountability, our faith breathes … read more.

The Gift of Pluralism (May 2024)

From our friends at Soul Matters:

I wonder how the moonflower feels
about its sweet sister, the morning glory.
What it must be to know that world longingly awaits another
while you must seek solace hidden under a night sky.

When the world has told you to hide,
it is only … read more.

The Gift of Heritage (October 2023)

From our friends at Soul Matters:

Some people are your relatives, but others are your ancestors, and you choose the ones you want to have as ancestors. You create yourself out of [their] values.   — Ralph Ellison

Be on the lookout, friends. The ghosts are on their … read more.

The Gift of Welcome (September 2023)

From our friends at Soul Matters:

“It seems to go without saying. To be welcoming, we’ve got to think big.
Notice how often we speak about “widening the circle” and “making more room.” We place a priority on expanding our minds by welcoming new experiences and new … read more.