Category: Monthly Themes

Previous Service Themes adapted from Soul Matters

Widening the Circle (Feb 2022)

This month’s Soul Matters theme explores Widening the Circle


Is it possible that

being on the inside

leaves you out of the loop?

What if the margins

aren’t narrow?

What if that space of exclusion

is also a position of perspective?

What if being shut out

allows you to understand the insiders

better … read more.

Living with Intention (Jan 2022)

This month’s Soul Matters theme explores Living with Intention


“Here’s what I discovered. Intention is different from setting goals or resolutions in that it “pulls us into” who we truly are.  Goals and resolutions “push us out” into future possibilities.  To set intentions, we … read more.

Opening to Joy (Dec 2021)

This month’s Soul Matters theme explores Opening to Joy …


It’s easy to get tricked,

taken for a ride,

convinced that joy

is a possession.


Something to be opened

just by us.

As if it’s a holiday special delivery,

waiting for us to unwrap it

and keep forever.


And who can blame us,

with pain … read more.

Holding History (Nov 2021)

This month’s Soul Matters theme explores Holding History …

Let’s start with the words of Parker Palmer,

“Jewish teaching includes frequent reminders of the importance of a broken-open heart, as in this Hasidic tale: A disciple asks the rebbe: “Why does Torah tell us to ‘place … read more.

Cultivating Relationship (Oct 2021)

This month’s Soul Matters theme explores Cultivating Relationship …

Pandemic time is teaching us so many things about relationships.

It’s undone our assumptions about work, calling into question the worth of “going into the office” and exposing how we pass most of the economic pain down … read more.

Play (June 2021)

What does it mean to be a people of Play?

We all are playing.

Playing it up, playing it down, trying to play fair.

Playing for keeps, playing favorites, playing it safe,

sometimes too safe.

He plays hardball; They’re playing house; I’m playing it by ear,

or at least learning to … read more.

Story (May 2021)

What does it mean to be a people of Story?

Stories don’t just embellish our lives; they make and even dictate our lives.  This might be the most important reminder of this month. Indeed, who of us hasn’t felt controlled by a story? Stuck in a … read more.

Becoming (April 2021)

What does it mean to be a people of Becoming?

It’s become popular in our society to talk about spiritual journeys as a process of living into your full or true self, of letting the authentic seed inside you unfold.  We UU’s agree.  We even enshrined … read more.

Commitment (March 2021)

What does it mean to be a people of Commitment?

There’s a natural, and important, go-getter quality to this month.  After all, huge payoffs come when we keep our commitments. Maintaining loyalty to healthy habits not only lengthens our lives but enriches them.  Faithfully following through … read more.

Beloved Community (Feb 2021)

What does it mean to be a people of Beloved Community?

Henri Nouwen, the treasured Catholic teacher, activist and pastor, once described beloved community as “the place where the person you least want to live with always lives.”

On its surface it seems to be a straightforward … read more.