Wholeness is never lost; it is only forgotten. Integrity rarely means that we need to add something to ourselves: it is more an undoing than a doing, a freeing ourselves from beliefs we have about who … read more.
This at least seems to me the main problem … How can we contrive to be at once astonished at the world and yet at home in it? … How can this world give us at once the fascination of a strange town and the … read more.
You hardly knew how hungry you were to be gathered in, to receive the welcome that invited you to enter entirely … Tentative steps became settling in … You began to breathe again … You learned … read more.
We’ve all heard the line: “You get what you expect.” It’s very UU. Liberal religion has always emphasized the tremendous power human beings have to shape their reality. And not just with our actions, but also … read more.
There is universal agreement that we all must make time to visit museums and sit before stunning sunsets. But seeking beauty there is not enough. Every religion agrees: The secret to … read more.
Let’s just say that we’re skeptical about rushing in to fix things.
We Unitarian Universalists understand the urge to restore what once was. Nothing is more human. Who doesn’t want to reverse the damage? Who doesn’t hold … read more.
We UUs love to tell our journey stories. And hear each other’s journey stories. Rather than asking people to recite common beliefs, we invite each other to talk about how our way is like no other. … read more.
In religious congregations, “trust” and “faith” intertwine. Faith assures some that life will look after us. For instance, our Christian friends sing hymns about God “watching over us” and keeping “an eye on the sparrow.” Our … read more.