Upcoming Pagan Gatherings @ UUFM

Hi to my friends both old and new,

I’m excited to share with you the dates for the upcoming Pagan gatherings here at UUFM.

On Saturday February 4th we’ll celebrate both the Imbolc Sabbat and the February Storm Moon. The Imbolc Sabbat will be dedicated to the Fire Goddess Brigid and the renewal of life. Imbolc (meaning ewe’s milk) is a Celtic holy day celebrating the newly lactating ewes, a sign that spring is around the corner and life in the womb of the earth is quickening. But we’re still in the dark half of the year, and as such, divination is often done at this time. We’ll be doing a fire divination in  our Imbolc circle, to open ourselves up to what messages the Goddess may have for us for the coming year. And for the potluck dinner, the theme will be Milk and Honey. Get creative 🙂

In March, we’ll get together twice. On Saturday March 10th we’ll gather with the Manhattan Goddess Circle to celebrate the Blossom Moon, when we will work to fully release our negative patterns we have uncovered during the dark half of the year and move into harmony with ourselves to find focus and strength for the coming season of power. Morrigan’s circles of full moon energy and reverence are a favorite with all of us.

And we’ll come together again on Saturday the 24th, to celebrate the Spring Equinox, also known as Ostara or Eostre. Ever wonder how Easter got it’s name? We’ll delve into the Pagan traditions of Easter and look at why we have eggs and bunnies to celebrate the birth of the Christian Jesus. And instead of gathering together at night, I’d like to have an afternoon event, with an egg hunt and a ritual circle at dusk. More information will follow; I’d love to get input on what others would like to do for Ostara this year.

And looking even farther into the year, in April, we’ll celebrate the Full Moon on Saturday the 7th with the Manhattan Goddess Circle. It is my hope that we’ll be able to have a Beltane Festival on Saturday April 28, but as most of you probably know, I’ll be leaving for Mississippi sometime this Spring, so anything after April 7th is undetermined. The future of the Pagan Friendship Circle is uncertain, but we’ll discuss it more as the time draws near. I am in talks with the minister of our UU congregation, Michael Nelson, as well as with a few UU members, so stay tuned as things develop. If anyone has any thoughts as to what they would like the future of the Pagan Friendship Circle to look like, get with me, and we’ll talk. This circle is, and always has been, a labor of love from me to you. It’s YOUR circle 🙂

See you in February,



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