The Web of Life

On April 7 our students started a month of learning about principle 7 – The web of life’s the way (Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part).
The 6th-8th grade class went up to the memorial garden. Says Molly, “We discussed what ‘eco-friendly’ things our families were already doing. Examples like recycling, keeping thermostat regulated, and conserving water were all mentioned. As we sat listening to the wind, I asked what this all has to do with religion. They weren’t quite sure. I explained the the seventh principle was adopted later than the others and is meant to embrace two things – protecting the environment and respect for earth religions. That made sense to all! Then I asked why a person (perhaps long ago) might have prayed to a tree. Iris and Lily came up with a lot of reasons right away. Offering shelter, light, warmth, food and more. I said – what if you grew up right over there…and from the time you were born this tree was here big and strong and it was still here when you were having children? Trees live longer than us, isn’t that something to admire? I read some passages from Native Americans about connection to trees and nature and we talked about how much time we spend outside. I shared that I really do find myself more calm after even a short time outside. I suggested that maybe, just maybe, it might be wise when frustrated or grumpy to go outside for a few moments and look at the world around us.”

The 3rd-5th grade class talked a lot about connecting in a personally spiritual way with the outdoors and then drew pictures of all the things that they enjoy doing outside. Fishing was a popular activity depicted as was gardening and playing… ball, hopscotch, you name it!

The Kindergarten-2nd grade class read The Lorax to start out the month on the interdependent web. Says Kim, “We talked about how many creatures and plants were affected by one person’s actions, then we made our own truffula trees to remind us that we’re all connected.”

The Pre-K class talked about water and how the water they drink and bathe in is the same as the water that falls as rain and is found in lakes and oceans. It helped explain their interconnectedness with the world around them.


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