Puzzles, Camels, Thoughts, and Overlap

Last Sunday ….

The Nursery had a semi-quiet day. Lots of thoughtful puzzling and block building.

Pre-K kids had fun making up stories on the flannel board, mastered the UU matching game, and explored the art of collaboration using jigsaw puzzles.

The K-2 class had our first lesson about Islam: how the camel may know the 100th name of Allah. Everyone made wonderful sock camel puppets.

The 3-6 class talked more about Hinduism. We looked at pictures of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva (with Ganesh thrown in for Larry). Molly also led a UU version of upanayana. This is a ceremony that acknowledges kids of this age are capable of adult thought. RE teachers believe this too! With this capability comes responsibility to think deeply and make decisions that guide your words and actions. During closing discussions we heard a lot of deep thoughts.

7-9 kids learned about Paganism and Wicca from Heather Mingo and discovered that there is a lot of overlap between other religions and UU beliefs.

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