Cooperation, Celebration, Compassion, and Judaism

What a busy January we had! The Family Fun Taco dinner was delicious! Thanks to all the kids for making those lovely tissue paper flowers for table decorations!
The Nursery kept busy by reading stories, singing, dancing, and using blocks to learn about sharing and cooperation.
The Pre-K class talked about all the things we celebrate – “birthdays, pets, Santa, life, love…” . We often celebrate love, with a wedding so we married all our stuffed animals … owls, ducks, bears, pigs, dogs… one big happy family.
The K-2 class read “Tenzin’s Deer” and talked about our own dreams. We learned a little about Buddhism and made animals from play-doh. We also talked about compassion for animals! We learned how to care for a pet and had a surprise visitor! A bearded dragon lizard!
The 3-6 class started discussing Judaism. We read from (and created our own scrolls) to be similar in construction to the Torah, learned a few Hebrew words, and talked about the wearing of yarmulke. With some web research Molly shared there are about 17,000 Jewish people living in Kansas and the Manhattan Jewish congregation serves about 35 families. We also discussed Jewish rituals.
The 7-9 class is also learning more about Judaism and a guest speaker from the K-State Jewish student group, Hillel is expected soon.

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