Note From Pastor Isa – March 2022

Dear Ones,

There are many glorious exciting things on the horizon and just beyond:  spring, being together in-person, what else?  Still being relatively new to the Fellowship, I’m eager for maskless conversations with you in the sunshine–with snacks–and the opportunity to dream together about all we can do and be as a community.  Before I arrived, you articulated a new vision and mission, and at the start of the pandemic you were poised for new creative endeavors!  As we look toward spring and ministry together, let’s remember those lovingly crafted words:

Vision StatementA vibrant, inclusive congregation, UUFM is widely known as a safe haven and a force for social justice.

Mission StatementA diverse, evolving spiritual community acting for a better world.

The Board and I had the opportunity to immerse in the mission and vision last month over two Saturday retreats.  I’ll be sharing more about our work during upcoming Sunday Services and at our Annual Meeting on April 10th.  In short:  I’m excited!  But if you’re not feeling excited, I don’t take it personally.  It’s been a stressful couple of years, with so many promises of “new normal” around the corner.  It’s hard to get hyped up for another one.  I’m certainly tired of talking about being tired.  So our monthly theme Renewing Faith is right on time.  Last month we reflected on the meaning of faith.  As I gently nudge you toward brainstorming and rebuilding for the future, I invite you to smile.  We’re here together with love.  We’re doing this all for love.  I have faith in the deep love and capacity for joy that I sense throughout this community.  What do we need, individually and collectively, to renew our faith?

We’ll be asking this question in small groups throughout March as we launch our Stewardship Campaign.  Stewardship–that means money, right?  Yes, but so much more!  We bring so many gifts to the community:  our presence, perspective, time, authenticity, commitment.  This month, I invite you to meet with others in facilitated conversations to reflect on our shared values and the many ways we bring them into reality through collaboration and resource sharing.  You can learn more at  We’re not trying to shake you down, but rather tap into “the immense healing power of even the smallest amount of money when we use it to express our humanity,” in the words of author and philanthropist Lynne Twist.  Our budget is a moral document.  Funding it is an act of collaboration and consensus-building.  It is sacred work–and your Finance Team is working to make the process fun.

Also this month, as part of Women’s History Month, I want to hear about the amazing women in your personal history.  Many of you have told me stories about your mothers and other women who have influenced you.  Join me Saturday March 12, 3-4:30, for “The Women Who Shaped Us” to share more. I’ll be recording and editing our conversation and using it for our Mother’s Day service May 8.  If you’re interested, please sign up at

“The Women Who Shaped Us” is part of a larger effort to include more voices in our Sunday Services.  Whether or not you are interested in being “up front” on a Sunday morning, I’d love to include your perspective as we prepare for our Sunday Services.  If you would like to gather with conveners to reflect on the theme for next month’s services and share ideas, please join us at the Sunday Reflection Circle on the third Wednesday, 7pm.  The theme for April will be Awakening.  Email me for more information.

As always, I am available for one-on-one conversations about the Fellowship or to support you through a difficult passage.  Please email, call, or text.

With love, faith, and trust,

Pastor Isa

Contact Rev Dr Isabel Call at

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