Author: s.nelson

Virtual Trunk or Treat

Everyone is invited to decorate your car, house, bedroom, self, pet, etc…. and then snap a picture and send it to me for posting on the RE blog pages. We’ll start with some pictures from years past…



October 2020

Our Saturday gatherings continue through October from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Traditionally we meet at the K-State Intramural Fields (corner of Denison and Kimball). The fields provide a lovely opportunity for kids to run off energy, fly kites, or explore for bugs while maintaining … read more.

September 2020

Have you noticed that the advertising phrase “Back to School” has become “Back to Education?”  We’ve always known that education happens beyond school and outside of the Monday-Friday schedule. That said, “Sunday” school is looking a bit different these days. For starters, this summer we’ve … read more.

Build It!

Each Saturday from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. we gather at the K-State Intramural Fields (corner of Denison and Kimball). The fields provide a lovely opportunity for kids to run off energy, fly kites, or explore for bugs while maintaining good distance. Extremely good distance! … read more.

August 2020

Each Saturday from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. we gather at the K-State Intramural Fields (corner of Denison and Kimball). The fields provide a lovely opportunity for kids to run off energy, fly kites, or explore for bugs while maintaining good distance. Extremely good distance!

Bring … read more.

July 2020

SUMMER IS OFFICIALLY HERE and we’re making the most of it.

Each Saturday from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. we gather at the K-State Intramural Fields (corner of Denison and Kimball). The fields provide a lovely opportunity for kids to run off energy, fly kites, or … read more.

June 2020


Our summer program is going to be a series of “Kits for Kids” which will include a variety of activities and projects. There will be kites, wind chimes, nails & wood, bug jars & magnifying glasses, and more. Kid Kits will either be delivered … read more.

May 2020


Here’s a link to my annual report:  UUFM RE Annual Report 2019-20


RE Zoomers

Be Creative
How are you being creative during these stay-at-home weeks? I posed that question to the students recently. Here’s a sampling of what I heard:
Learning … read more.

Book Lending Library

I am blessed to live in a house with many books. If you’re tired of digital media and wish the library would reopen so you and your kids could get some books, well, I’ve got some to share.

The list isn’t particularly organized and it’s … read more.

Scavenger Hunt warm-up…

Can you find…

1. Something very soft
2. A toy with 3 different colors
3. A movie that has “S” in the title
How about these…
1. A stick that is longer than your hand
2. Something you love to play with
3. Something that is brown
How about … read more.