Category: Board Update

July Board Update

We are delighted to welcome Mac Benavides to the Board as our new Chair-elect.  Welcome, Mac!  The Benavides family thus continues their tradition of service to UUFM, with Ruddy having just completed a 2-year term as an at-large member.

Emily Fraser, Pastor Isa, Joe Zalewski and … read more.

June Board Update


To my dearly beloved UUFM Community,

With this fiscal year coming to a close, the UUFM Board of Directors is now engaged in our annual game of “musical chairs:” (Sound cue: Let It Be A Dance)

We are celebrating … read more.

May Board Update

Hello Beloved UUFM Community,

Our Initiation of Called Ministry and Installation of Reverend Dr. Isabel Call Service is fast approaching. What a joyous and momentous occasion – and one that is inherently unfamiliar and special for our little Fellowship. 

We’ve received questions from a few – that … read more.

April Board Update

Dearly Beloved UUFM Community,


Springtime is upon us; a time of renewal and growth. Energy that was held within through the winter months now begins to spiral outward, reaching out enthusiastically for connection and engagement in the more creative and life-giving processes that this season nurtures … read more.

February Board and Community Team Update

Beloved UUFM Community,

It is an exciting and dynamic time to be serving on the UUFM Board of Directors! Whether it’s reviewing and updating our organizational structure; drafting proposed changes and updates to our Bylaws, Handbook and Process Guide to support and reflect our growth into … read more.

November Board and Community Team Update

Dear Beloved UUFM Community,

October has been a productive month on the organizational side of things.

The Community Team met for the first time this month on October 12th, 2023.

The Board met this month on October 15th, 2023.

The Minister and Board Chair are members of both of … read more.

September Board Update

Dear Beloved Community,
An update from the Board after our August Board Meeting, held on August 17th, 2023:
There is still a great need to fill certain open leadership positions. The Board has recruited the Stewardship Lead, Judy Nickelson, to take leadership in finding volunteers … read more.

August Board Update

To Our Beloved UUFM Community,

In our ongoing commitment to keep the membership informed, the Board offers the following update after our most recent Board Meeting on July 20th at 6:30 PM:



We have hired two new staff members this month! 

Hannah Morgan … read more.