Category: minister-note

Note from Pastor Isa

A Note from Pastor Isa – October 2023

This month we reflect on where we have come from as individuals, as a Fellowship, and as a community of communities. Heritage is more nuanced than history: it is the story we weave when choosing ancestors and claiming their legacies — both beautiful and vexing … read more.

A Note from Pastor Isa – September 2023

The Gift of Welcome

Wherever you have come from, whoever you are, whomever you love, whatever your journey has been, it has led you here. Welcome.

Thus speaketh every Convener on Sunday mornings at UUFM, in their own language. But what do we really mean by welcome?

According … read more.

A note from Pastor Isa — August 2023

Pausing at the Threshold

Aaah, summer. We’ve been told it’s the time of the year to catch up on fun, reconnect, put our feet up, cool down. We can finally get out on the water, take that trip, update the landscaping, read that stack of novels, … read more.

A note from Pastor Isa June 2023

Delight despite it all

It is a delight to serve as the called minister here at UUFM. Thank you to all the members who participated in the May 7th Congregational Meeting to vote on the call. It was a momentous decision for the Fellowship, which has … read more.

A note from Pastor Isa May 2023

Creativity beyond the secular

“All that you touch
You Change.

All that you Change
Changes you.

The only lasting truth
is Change.

is Change.”

― Octavia E. Butler, Black feminist science fiction writer

Immersing in our monthly theme of Creativity, I’ve been thinking of the theologian Henry Nelson Wieman. He wrote extensively of the … read more.

A note from Pastor Isa — April 2023

Some resistance is futile
Some resistance is fertile

September through June, our Chalice Circles, Sunday Services, and Religious Education classes draw from monthly themes we get from Soul Matters, a UU community of collaborators. This month’s theme, resistance, lends itself to two interpretations. First is political resistance … read more.

Note From Pastor Isa — March 2023

It makes sense to me that our collaborators at Soul Matters chose Vulnerability to follow February’s theme of Love. To love deeply and truly is to make ourselves vulnerable. Since love is the center of our theology, there’s really no way around it. Whether it … read more.

Note From Pastor Isa – December 2022

Stillness, Wonder, Commitment

When I spoke to our December Conveners about Wonder, our theme for the month, they lit up. It was beautiful to watch people remembering their experience of childish awe when encountering things for the first time, or watching others do so. Though we … read more.