Category: minister-note

Note from Pastor Isa

Note From Pastor Isa – November 2022

Grief and Growth


Love grants us 

serenity to accept the things we cannot change,

courage to change the things we can, and

wisdom to know the difference.

            — A version of the Serenity Prayer

If someone had told us three years ago that there would be a global … read more.

Note From Pastor Isa – October 2022

Courage and Faith

Courage is a remarkable trait–something we notice and celebrate.  The way it’s typically talked about, we don’t really expect everybody to have it.  But maybe we should.  Maybe instead of practicing reverence for the demigods and superheroes who exhibit feats of extraordinary bravery … read more.

Note From Pastor Isa – September 2022

Committing to Belonging

I was so shocked to learn that the opposite of belonging is fitting in. Because fitting in is assessing a group of people and changing who you are. But true belonging never asks us to change who we are. It demands we be … read more.

Note From Pastor Isa – August 2022

Endings and Beginnings

Summer is lovely for many of us who get a break from regular school-year obligations.  The days are longer and there are more opportunities to do things for pure fun. We’re as far away as possible from the “winter blues.”  And yet even … read more.

Note From Pastor Isa – July 2022


Our summer theme is Rejuvenation.  When asked mid-June to reflect on what their personal themes were this summer, the Sunday Service conveners shared these words:

Healing, Recovery, Renewal, Hope, Rest, Setting intentions, Becoming, Self Care

When we came upon the word REJUVENATION, we shared a … read more.

Note From Pastor Isa – June 2022

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

This phrase has become a part of my inner soundtrack, but I recently got curious about where it came from.  What I learned:  though it expanded within American consciousness in 2008 when spoken by then Senator Obama, he … read more.

Note From Pastor Isa – May 2022

What’s in a name?

I’ve been with you all now for six months and I’m feeling like I’m getting to know you!  From Sunday Services, Action Wednesday, and one-on-one conversations, I’m learning your stories, your hopes, your dreams, and … your names!  I know a lot … read more.

Note From Pastor Isa – April 2022

Waking up this morning I smile.

A full, fresh, new day is before me.

I vow to live fully in each moment

and look upon all beings with eyes of compassion.

These words have been with me since childhood, when I … read more.

Note From Pastor Isa – March 2022

Dear Ones,

There are many glorious exciting things on the horizon and just beyond:  spring, being together in-person, what else?  Still being relatively new to the Fellowship, I’m eager for maskless conversations with you in the sunshine–with snacks–and the opportunity to dream together about all we … read more.

Note From Pastor Isa – Feb 2022

Dear Ones,

Happy Groundhog Day!  It’s always such good timing.  Right when I’ve started to accept the reality of winter, I’m reminded of the suggestion of spring.  It will come, sooner or later.  How are you handling the long wait for spring?  And the long wait … read more.