Category: minister-note

Note from Pastor Isa

Jonalu’s Journal – July 2021

Saying good-bye is never easy.

In this final month with you, the core of my job will be saying good-bye.  I am ending my relationship as your minister.  It’s a little harder that there is no one on-deck to take my place.  Still the ending, like … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal – June 2021

As we move towards the end of my time with the congregation, it’s the perfect moment to review the goals that were set for developmental ministry before I arrived.  No doubt, some of you remember being part of the goal-setting process, meeting together in small … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal – May 2021

“We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”

So reads the proposed … read more.

Developmental Minister Annual Report 2021

Developmental Minister Annual Report
UU Fellowship of Manhattan, Kansas
April 15, 2021
Rev. Jonalu Johnstone

The COVID pandemic tremendously shaped the year for UUFM, as it did for everyone.  We have conducted virtual services throughout the year, held two congregational meetings on Zoom, conducted … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal – April 2021

Across cultures, religions and traditions, human beings celebrate.

We have seen many holiday opportunities pass without our traditional celebrations in the last year.  As vaccinations increase, we may be peaking out and trying to do it a little differently, with small, safe family groupings.  Still not … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal – March 2021

As I write, we are coming out of the deepest freeze I have been through since I moved away from Wisconsin in 2000.  The sun is shining, and I am ready to believe that spring is coming.

In the sunshine, we can imagine springtime returning to … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal – Feb 2021

Of all the places that we exist–in our neighborhoods, our city, our nation, even our families–the groups we may have highest expectations of may be our religious communities.  This is only natural because it is in religious community that we proclaim our highest values, that … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal – Jan 2021

Never, ever has there been a year I was more ready to say good-bye to than 2020!

There’s no need to review all that has been wrong about the last year as we welcome 2021.  Still, we have to recognize that these divisions into years are … read more.

Jonalu’s Journal – Dec 2020

As this year moves into its final month, we face a holiday season unlike any we have ever known.  We had a warm-up with Thanksgiving, setting aside family gatherings, or limiting them, or risking them with a combination of testing and quarantining and whatever other … read more.