Category: minister-note

Note from Pastor Isa

Note From Pastor Isa – Dec 2021

Dear ones,

My first full month among you here in Manhattan has been a joyous whirlwind!  Thank you for your warm welcome.  I’ve enjoyed meeting you as a group and as individuals.  Please continue to reach out with introductory emails and schedule visits to get to … read more.

Note From Pastor Isa — Jan 2022

Dear ones,

Happy New Year!  We replace our calendars in winter, just as the days are beginning to lengthen, but the weather is nowhere near warming up.  The practice–and the cultural and legal norms dependent on it–arose out of the Roman feast of Janus, the god … read more.

Note From Pastor Isa – Jan 2022

Dear ones,

Happy New Year! We replace our calendars in winter, just as the days are beginning to lengthen, but the weather is nowhere near warming up. The practice – and the cultural and legal norms dependent on it – arose out of the Roman feast … read more.

A Note From Pastor Isa — Nov 2021

Dear Ones,

I am so happy to be among you finally! Thank you for your warm welcome during my brief visit last month and for your patience during my move here.  As you heard during my reflection on October 31st, it has been a long journey … read more.

UUFM Board Report–Sept 25, 2021

The big news this month is that we have hired a new minister.  Rev Dr Isabel Call will be joining us in October, first remotely and then in person towards the end of the month.  She was unanimously approved first by the Search Committee and … read more.

UUFM Welcomes Rev Dr Isabel Call

I am pleased to announce that Rev Dr Isabel Call will become our new  minister in October.  She will be in Manhattan to look for housing and to visit from October 9-14.  She plans to be at our Sunday Service on October 10 and at … read more.

Special Congregational Mtg

The UUFM Board of Directors has called a special congregational meeting for Sunday, September 12.  The meeting will be held at 12 pm, or directly after the Sunday service is completed.

We have a candidate for the open ministerial position at UUFM.  Until they have informed their current employer … read more.

Report from the Board – 29 August 2021

Our August Board Meeting doubled as our annual Board Retreat.  We discussed the updated Human Resources Policy at length, needed to seek some clarification from the UUA, and hope to approve it finally in September. 

UUFM finances ended on a high note for fiscal year 20-21 … read more.

Report from the Board – 22 July 2021

Dear UU Friends,

We have tearfully and joyfully bid Jonalu goodbye and here we are, on our own again, at least temporarily.  I will be communicating with you all regularly in the monthly newsletter, and via emails when there is a need.  I encourage you to … read more.

Board Announcement – 21 July 2021

On July 21, 2021, UUFM Board Chair Judy Nickelson issued this statement: 

Dear Friends,

In response to your concern about masking and in light of the ongoing uptick in COVID cases in the Manhattan area, the Board today voted in favor of the following policies:

Masks will be … read more.