Category: RE Activities

Religious Education Activites

March 2021

I was at the fellowship a few days ago and you’ll never guess what I found. I found a few of our teddy bears taking care of the building and taking care of each other.

Here they are making sure the story for all ages continues, … read more.

February 2021

Despite the light at the end of the tunnel, I’m still feeling a little overwhelmed. How about you? February’s theme is Beloved Community and thinking about our beloved UUFM community helps me feel a little less overwhelmed.

Here’s a project that I hope you’ll enjoy… making … read more.

January 2021

Finally. A new year.

January’s theme is “imagination” and I hope everyone is ready to use theirs. Request a packet of at-home worship and religious education materials if you haven’t yet received yours.

Our Saturday gatherings are taking a break as winter weather seems to have settled … read more.

December 2020

Weather permitting, our Saturday gatherings will continue through December from 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.  We meet at the K-State Intramural Fields (corner of Denison and Kimball). The fields provide a lovely opportunity for kids to run off energy while maintaining good distance. 

But we’ll also … read more.

November 2020

Our Saturday gatherings continue through November from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. as weather permits. Traditionally we meet at the K-State Intramural Fields (corner of Denison and Kimball). The fields provide a lovely opportunity for kids to run off energy, fly kites, or explore for … read more.

October 2020

Our Saturday gatherings continue through October from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Traditionally we meet at the K-State Intramural Fields (corner of Denison and Kimball). The fields provide a lovely opportunity for kids to run off energy, fly kites, or explore for bugs while maintaining … read more.

September 2020

Have you noticed that the advertising phrase “Back to School” has become “Back to Education?”  We’ve always known that education happens beyond school and outside of the Monday-Friday schedule. That said, “Sunday” school is looking a bit different these days. For starters, this summer we’ve … read more.

August 2020

Each Saturday from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. we gather at the K-State Intramural Fields (corner of Denison and Kimball). The fields provide a lovely opportunity for kids to run off energy, fly kites, or explore for bugs while maintaining good distance. Extremely good distance!

Bring … read more.

July 2020

SUMMER IS OFFICIALLY HERE and we’re making the most of it.

Each Saturday from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. we gather at the K-State Intramural Fields (corner of Denison and Kimball). The fields provide a lovely opportunity for kids to run off energy, fly kites, or … read more.

June 2020


Our summer program is going to be a series of “Kits for Kids” which will include a variety of activities and projects. There will be kites, wind chimes, nails & wood, bug jars & magnifying glasses, and more. Kid Kits will either be delivered … read more.